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Seattle, Washington, United States
Strive for wholeness. If you are happy and content, there is nothing more you can achieve in material world. Life is not what we think it is.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Day rain, my fav day my time of the year

Ohh the weather is fab these days, its getting a bit colder but not too cold. No sun in sight, beautiful clouds and trees preparing for fall. Some of the trees are half red a little yellow a little green. My kind of weather is coming and it makes me super excited. This is the time we arrived in US, its our one year US anniv which reminds me how much my view has changed about this place. It takes more than a few months to know who you wave to, who would smile back, what kind of people you want to be friends with, who you shouldn't even pay attention to. Life's sort of humbled down even more, we are eating simpler we sleep 10 to 5 in short we are getting older and wiser hopefully.

Hmm yoga yoga, its still challenging me. She keeps adding small routines of balances and strength which leaves me on the edge. What I have understood from my experience is the more you think about a pose, more you are bound to fail. Don't think about it, take the leap unless you are really tired. Breaks are equally important. Instead of trying to do every pose dying, do at least 3/4 smiling feeling every active muscle. Listen to your yoga teacher when she says push from the core or kick legs. It helps too. The correct form will be established as you get connected with your body. When you look at your gaze, focus on the hand or any one point. As you set down your mat, try to be the only one in your vision so you don't crumble. There will always be people who do better, we are not here to compete. Today our guide said the best thing ever, don't judge your practice don't praise your practice, just let it be here unbiased. Don't wait for benefits, am i getting thinner am i getting the glow, am i getting more balanced, did i do better, these questions are for nothing. Just keep practicing. Your body will let you know. Trust me.

After yoga and quick lunch, I headed out for walk, is it just me or trees leaves respond? Walking meditation is awesome, feel positive energy emanating from ground you walk on and give it back the same nurturing vibe it gives you. When you put steps in front of each other, count from 1 to 5 inhale exhale slowly then imagine you are walking on a beautiful lotus filling you with happiness and contentment. Its a perfect one, right down you feel high on nature's love.

I am gonna quickly make mushroom peas curry and try to focus on the job getting part. Lets see if these corporate towers will ever get me out. ;)


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