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Seattle, Washington, United States
Strive for wholeness. If you are happy and content, there is nothing more you can achieve in material world. Life is not what we think it is.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Everyone is seeking peace, we are all selfish

What do you really really want from life? You can have a waterfront house, audi for a car, maids to even wake you up but if you are devoid of peace, its all in vain. Your audi is in traffic, you suffer. Why are situations or people around me not acting the way I want them to? Why can't my parents understand my fitness, my lifestyle, my decisions?

Hmmm because they are not puppets. What you generate is in your mind, anger misery envy every single emotion is manufactured in that factory. People do fuel it sometimes but how we take it is all in our control.

In a way, we are all too selfish. If something gives us peace, happiness we would rather have it even if the same thing creates turbulence in other people's lives. Again, how they take it is in their control too.

I did the same. I still do it in the name of introvert syndrome.  Some place that made me uncomfortable was strictly avoided, people who bored me were constantly ignored, situations where I felt trapped were not even given the ground to grow.  End result was I missed out on great deal of life and amazing people bonding skills.

Peace is not a lamp you hold and avoid storms so nothing touches it. Its the kind of  modern age LED light that glows as long as you are charged. Soul starts discharging as soon as we give up and start whining, complaining instead of just living it through.

Life will not stop happening. We were sent here to live it fully, absorb the teachings, lessons it has in it. Hmm lets avoid this certain person, she gossiped about me. Try being really nice to them, once you start, first 5 minutes will be crazy hard then it will be a smooth ride. She might even take you for a good actor but thats her way of life. What you get out of that is what life intended for you to pick on. In the end, after talking to everyone, you will either find inspiring people or lost souls looking for directions. We are all lost anyways.

In one of my recent experiences, when all around me every person was in an unstable state, it kind of hit me, every single person consoled me in the way so the outcome will be more peaceful for their future existence. That again is from my perspective, the situation hit others worse than me, it wasn't fair to even try to gain attention.  Hehe see so when your mother says have a kid, its more for her than for you. We are wired to find peace. We try to manipulate people to fulfill our unfulfilled desires, dreams.

In short, we are all selfish we are all on our own. Create your inner peace tranquility, no one can help you.


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