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Seattle, Washington, United States
Strive for wholeness. If you are happy and content, there is nothing more you can achieve in material world. Life is not what we think it is.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My India Trip part 6: Saying goodbyes

Saying goodbyes was going to be pretty easy this time. If you ever go to a a wedding, stay next day and don't tell anyone. Rest full day, start in the night. I repeat never start trip just after pulling a full nighter in the wedding and even if you start, don't eat wedding food packed for guests if you have a sensitive stomach. 

There is this tradition, bidaai where everyone gives bride all the good wishes and cries. Hehe we kind of left around that, so we got bidaai. I think people respect and love my father-in-law a lot. Both of them have helped people in all the ways they could. Their karmic account chart is way higher on gains. Because of my father-in-law, we get love too. And my husband I guess. I am not that good. 

So a lot of nice relatives came, bride came, how do you respond when others cry? My throat gets choked up, my face changes and all I want to do is wail louder and louder. So to avoid the situation where you are not supposed to cry being a little distant relative, weird me starts cracking silly jokes. Real silly. In my mind, the constant thought was you get to be in thailand, party yay. Hehe all the troubles are rewarding you. Thats how you condition not to be attention seeker. If only I knew how to express naturally smiling not being guilty or ashamed of crying.

We run to hotel, I meet my parents one last time, we have trains to catch so we all run to station. Final 20 minutes before their train comes, this time I am not sad and I always cried on inside or outside. Its kind of like you have spaced yourself from that emotion. My mother tells me do better yoga, focus on being spiritual, my dad does the same some train talk and tells me to be happy, peaceful and we are sorted. We laugh over the whole trip ordeal and they are on the train. It was cool.

Somehow its never that sorted with my in-laws. I don't know, have you ever gone to see girl for some relative. You instantly know who's the most important VIP person here, the would be bridegroom then his parents come then you come. Hehe that is what a daughter-in-law is. Tertiary citizen. First comes father-in-law then your husband and siblings, then you come. Its natural. My mom would do the same. If there was a rule, you have to throw one family member down right this instant or you all die, hehe lets throw her ;) Run people, I don't know that family. 

More on thailand on my  next post. 


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