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Seattle, Washington, United States
Strive for wholeness. If you are happy and content, there is nothing more you can achieve in material world. Life is not what we think it is.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What how why meditation?

As soon as you google meditation, there are so many options and they are all very confusing. Which one to follow, is just any guided meditation okk or there is a specific way to do it? For almost an year, we did it on our own. It helps a bit but without a structure, as soon as something strikes you crumble. You got to have a plan in it too.

It is not something we can keep changing everyday. What helped me in stabilizing my body and mind is shambhavi mahamudra by sadhguru. Similar kind of practice  called sudarshan kriya is taught by sri sri ravi shankar Following or devoting yourself to a person is not the point. In that way, we are putting them on some higher aisle believing we can't be like them. Its about learning the art of evolving our body and mind. Every human being has the potential to be like sadhguru or ravi shankar or any other gurus. You don't have to become a guru, you just follow a systematic method of awakening consciousness. Again this is not in my experience so I can only aspire to be free. There are certain processes that help in aligning body with mind to be meditative. 

Any person who says something that can benefit you in any way is your guru. Dog is your guru when he gives you unconditional love, child is your guru when he lets go instantly, cat is your guru when it chooses not to eat unconsciously, sun is your guru when it is just being itself not giving not being partial, tree is your guru when it gives you oxygen to survive. Everyone has something to teach us, we just have to be available. It doesn't matter who you learn meditation from as long as the technique is right. Just don't go for the uber hippie stuff, its a very traditional serious thing. Yogananda paramhansa's books are pretty awesome. His geeta is perfect. But books are not a substitute for real way of practicing. 

So some kind of discipline or practice brings a lot of change. It helped me in fixing my sleep time, even reducing it. My food habits are way better now, I need less and there is abundance of energy all day long. The way i see and treat people changed too. For this process to take place, all I did was staying true to my practice which doesn't even take more than 2 hours in a day. 2 hours out of 24 hours is nothing. I am a total beginner so my experience is a bit limited. 

This procedure is working for me. If I had to suggest, it would be learn some practice, do yoga everyday, read inner engineering ,taste of well being books. Not all at once, slowly slowly find time for these things. Even if we shift waking up time by half an hour every week, within  a month we are waking at 5 from 7. You can try yoga at a nearby studio or from youtube just start with 20 minutes of yoga. In food also, start eliminating things slowly. If we try do to everything all together, we are bound to fail. It takes time for body to understand and adjust to new routines, food practices. 

Not just you, people around you will benefit from your changes too. Your kids will learn from your example not from plain hollow preachings. Your parents might approach old age with more graciousness and less desires. Your co workers will feel more safe and open around you. In  a way, you will be whatever life needs you to be without any effort. 


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