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Seattle, Washington, United States
Strive for wholeness. If you are happy and content, there is nothing more you can achieve in material world. Life is not what we think it is.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Radiate love even in criticism :)

I think instead of getting our praises done all the time, we should get our butt kicked from time to time too. Its lucky to have someone who just doesn't care about sparing those precious new feelings on non talent sucking. Like they say, its better to have a critic than to have a flatterer.

Thank god there is not one like me around me because that would make this me a real nothing. Its not easy to be grounded, a simple trail of compliments make me feel like I own a place. Ohh I am so pretty and then bam there is so much to looking great, an outfit haircut accessories. When I do nothing, I look like a 80s hippie from time travel. From cooking to cleaning to photography, there are so many aspects of life you need advice on constantly. Why not get it from a trusted source instead of making bffs with random people.

Its also like if he didn't point out what all I did wrong, I wouldn't have made this far. I love him, I know its annoying to have a flawful person in home having to correct them from time to time. But see you get to live with your own kind of creation. Water the root, enjoy the fruit.

Yesterday, I met my friend's kid. There is so much to learn from kids. She got angry at him for some reason, the kid simply turned, didn't react and hugged her like I get you mom, there is no need for me to get back at you, he didn't apologize just accepted his mistake, laughed and moved on.

If someone breaks a vase, we attack person not situation. So while giving feedback, never criticize or complain, never say you always do it you will never learn how many times we have to tell you. Don't give critical resentment anger energy, it will look like you are victimizing person with your harsh words. If you really look at situation, person getting criticized is hurt and receiving negative energy crushing self esteem, person who's criticizing is practically violent inflicting pain with words killing their self respect, less confidence. The one who actually suffers long term is the one criticizing. If you create that much anger energy for everyone around you and also that fear if that other person will even agree to it, its like depleting soul's energy.

So how to tell. Be attentive while giving feedback. Separate person from act. If you keep attacking person, soul's energy will deplete, again they will make same mistake. Never ask how did it happen, why. Just see how we can do it future. Anyways if you end up hurting someone, automatically you will get negative energy back. This is the easiest way to discharge your battery. If we are the stimulus of someone's pain, never waste time thinking i was right let them suffer, your soul is suffering too. If someone gets hurt fast, heal them fast, why are we in a relationship if we don't help. When someone gets even a bruise, we run to them but when it comes to this hurting soul thing, no one comes. Radiate love when you feel them hurt. Do a gesture with thought and words so they come out fast. Otherwise we are all connected, you will feel discharged. Pain spreads.

Parents have intentions of improvement, but tone is of criticism. That should be in check too. As soon as you are angry, you don't love anyone.

In short, give feedback not criticism. Empower the soul. Probability of making same mistake will be less. Nothing is more important than soul power. Never ever should the conversation be focused on past. No punishing, insults anymore. Be love. You are a loving soul talking to another loving soul.




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