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Seattle, Washington, United States
Strive for wholeness. If you are happy and content, there is nothing more you can achieve in material world. Life is not what we think it is.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Yay long weekend is gone :)

The long labor day weekend is finally done and we can all move on to our routines. For me, there are two different variations of the same day, if he is home it all circles around him, if its just me nothing goes on except the serious yoga class and dinner prep. After years of staying alone as a homemaker, the peace of easy passing days haunts me when it is not there. The thought of people staying over for span of months is suicidal hostile situation. On one of our trails, he pointed out how much guarded I am. Holding my peace as a sacred untouched phenomenon, it gets swayed as soon as circumstances vary around me. Its not peace, its convenience of avoiding sun, people, job, cooking, restaurants  blah blah. So it should be a constant in the equation of life not a variable like mine. What to do, find your inner peace don't look for it in the perfect lifestyle perfect routine perfect company. Its must be in you always, how do we preserve it? I got no clue. The one that I held so dearly was an illusion of comfort.

The struggle of finding a good book in a public library is only known to frequenters. I love the library but going in the section to find the right author's perfect food for brain is time consuming. Also, homeless people snoring around are not the required motivation for a non reader. Hmm got to get the job, its the moment where he's realized I might be having too much fun in exploring spirituality by being at home. I got all the time in the world to chill. If you see it from his angle, it is kind of unfair to him. If only lottery tickets worked, there would not be any pressure to work ;)

Finally the weekend is over, we had way too much fun watching psychedelic videos, kapil sharma show ( I know desi jokes are the best ) and all our google searches ended on ozora festival. Are we using our high for nothing? Should we may be try to focus, cultivate some art form practice? There are a few bands in ozora festival lineup that are awesome. They are classical, they are modern, they got so many instruments to play with. Pure bliss. Do check beat antique music. 

After his yummy  pancake breakfast offering on tuesday morning, he set out for office, red fairy is finally here and diva cup is the best. Hehe and it turned into one of those women's well being ads.  I gave my yoga class a try and it worked. Your flexibility your strength is maximum at a certain time of the moon cycle so use it. Now that the  yoga flow is coming, I yearn for more poses more flexibility challenges, more balance ways. Power yoga should advance the steps as you go through classes. Every instructor is different, some ask to pull towards legs in downward dog others say spread wide. Hmm consult ramdev baba. Actually on a serious note, try reading books on yoga so you know which parts of body you are going for when you do certain poses. Every time there is a bit of unpleasantness or you lose your calm, rest for a bit and join back. Don't ever suffer in name of yoga fitness. There is no such thing as yoga fitness. Enjoy the moments of stillness, there is no need to focus, just be in it, think about a beautiful trail when you do plane pose. Life's awesome. 


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