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Seattle, Washington, United States
Strive for wholeness. If you are happy and content, there is nothing more you can achieve in material world. Life is not what we think it is.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Meditation serious phase

There are so many phases of meditation especially when you are just starting off. 12 years and you will still be a beginner. It depends on so many things, karma parents situations home job blah blah. So many terms to make sense of, so many people to revisit with new set of spiritual rules. At the same time, we see so many videos but practical moments of applying them rarely come.

Be conscious always. Don't be entangled but play your role. Be on like krishna. Meditate a lot. Eat sattvic diet. Separate involvement from entanglement. Aah so many of them. When you get involved, you forget to be happy. When you get into playing a role, you are entangled with memories of past or future. When you want to eat right, you google to an extent it drives you crazy. We forgot the basis of all this, ease damn ease. First of all be at ease, maintain joy happiness then comes being an observer then not taking it any seriously. 

This is just a movie, a play we call life. I forget again and again, I suffer again and again, then I am reminded again. So instead of being in previous cycles, there is a new illusion cycle where I think I am working on myself with the whole notion of being on the right path, but actually again my mind has me trapped in a loop, the loop of self satisfying righteousness. 

So what has changed, not much. First I was conserving myself my luxuries, now I am trying to conserve peace happiness from people. Still, its the same reaction to the same situation. Selfishness still overrides. 

Hmm so meditation started to stabilize, after around 5 months of shambhavi, sometimes either you get too serious about it or too lazy. I was really happy and because meditation was the source, I started preserving that practice like my precious, any thing any person that came in way became my enemy. Don't disturb me, don't talk to me now , lets ignore this person, lets avoid the situation. In a way, I resisted life so much, it started getting duller boring. I lost my happiness. One day I woke up realizing what never happened in 8 years of my marriage had happened, we started acting like our parents. Yeah, that was the wake up call. You are lost again.

May be not take it too seriously. Have fun, be at ease. Do things you love. Take it lightly. Follow your practices every day but don't be bound to them. Loosen grip on life, don't tighten it. Meditation is for a lot of reincarnations, don't stake everything on it. Have a good diet. Keep healthy lifestyle. Don't stress too much. Let life flow. It takes time to change life long habits, body mind all of them. 

Seriousness also gives this satisfaction that you are working so hard. You have found your goal, lets not be bothered by these worldly distractions and run to finish line. Thats where we are wrong. These are all our learning curves designed by us. Finish your track completely joyfully meditatively. Meet every person with full love, consciousness. Do your best.

Mooji is pretty awesome. Listen to him.


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