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Seattle, Washington, United States
Strive for wholeness. If you are happy and content, there is nothing more you can achieve in material world. Life is not what we think it is.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Stuck yoga practice got a push :)

It was happening again to me. All the yoga bliss and talks about kriya yoga were getting lost in routine classes and instructors. Even came to a point where decision to opt out and practice at home was made. This monday supposedly I would have just walked in and told them about upcoming euro vacation, make an excuse and quit.

Thankfully my husband's voice saved me. If you start practicing yoga, you will reach a point in your practice where you will feel you achieved  a lot, you transitioned a lot, you probably learned so much you can open your own class. Illusions illusions moh maya. Its all in your head.

Its the routine, the mundane events that kick us into boredom. We start looking out the glass window losing our focus and then if the instructors are all same, you are not paying attention to them too. Some of the instructors also kind of bail out on telling every little detail as soon as they realize 60% students know what they are asking of them. That is highest level of unprofessional-ism because you are playing with someone's body and its flexibility progress.

In case you arrive at this conjecture of giving up to boredom, try these 5 options first.

Number 1 switch to another level of yoga for some time like bikram or yin or yang any other form to bring your attention and focus back. When you are new to a class, you are more alert to cues and extensions.

Number 2 switch your instructor if that is an option for you. Try other instructors. Today I tried a new one and surprisingly she brought out the best in me. I was on one leg, resting my head on knee of other elevated leg. It is because our mind plays tricks with us. There is less excitement in doing same poses with same teachers voice every day. Find a teacher who explains explicitly every move, how you bend how you go down when you inhale and listen to her.

Number 3 switch your spot. Come on everyone has a spot, the cool side the door side the mirror facing one. Go to a place where you just see yourself and no other person if at all it works. This also raises consciousness in body, it doesn't wander to check how many people are resting how many people did it to extreme level.

Number 4 : Start smiling in middle of practice. Like when you are looking in mirror standing bow just smile and reaffirm all is well. Take a deep breath, hold your position and go in the direction your instructor says. When you lie down for shavasana, calm your breath. Today, i did bikram yoga and not once my breath spiked. All credit goes to our instructor. She was awesome.

Number 5 : Don't expect anything. When you are not expecting, you out perform. When you know what your instructor is going to throw when, you get cocky. A lot of people who go for bikram with me were panting today because they were comfortable with other instructors and this one bowled their routine. We get used to things very easily and quickly, that helps our body to adapt but sometimes it rusts our brain.

And yeah don't lay your mat next to stupid people who just pant or show off. Haha don't let them rob your inner peace. Don't practice with your husband or friend, they are distractions too. Go alone.

Keep pushing till you reach your maximum limitations which don't exist. Have you seen acro yoga videos? They are so inspiring. My husband joined yoga too so may be one day we will be the acro couple.


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